Honduras COMSA




Honduras COMSA




Product description

This coffee is round and smooth, with medium acidity with flavours of roasted peanut, caramel and brown sugar.
SCA score 83.5

Established in 2001, as an initiative of a group of 61 coffee producers (12 females and 49 males) with the support of the Fundación para el Desarrollo Empresarial Rural (FUNDER) and a starting capital close to $365. Now integrated by over 1500 farmers, COMSA has grown into a business role model, thanks to the dynamic, responsible and innovative work ethics and vision of its members and workforce. From its foundation, the 61 members of COMSA decided that besides achieving high-quality coffee, their company was going to produce organic coffee and they were going to promote organic agriculture as one of the core principles pillars of their organization. At the time of their establishment, conventional agriculture which uses chemicals was the most common practice in the region. Following their focus on organic agriculture and high-quality coffee, COMSA presented itself to the international markets and recovered trust from international coffee buyers and Honduran coffee producers.
They are also certified by Fair Trade and Organic.

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