Brazil São João Batista (Microlot)




Brazil São João Batista (Microlot)




Product description


Fantastic is the word that defines this lot, citrus and delicate notes, this coffee was born to be offered in filtered preparations and demanding palates that surely value unique experiences!
The family of Renato Domingos is a pioneer in coffee quality in the city of Campos Altos - MG. It all started with his grandfather Vitorino Domingos, a pioneer producer in the planting of coffee in the cerrado of Minas Gerais.
Always focused on improving the quality of the coffee, he selected on his farm a variety of Bourbon, which was registered with the name of his farm, "Red Bourbon, FSJB" (FSJB are the initials of Fazenda São João Batista). Following the story of Mr. Vitorino Renato and his Father João Domingos (IN MEMORIAN) lead the farm São João Batista with great dedication, are examples of quality in the region, are also examples of care for the environment being a reference in management of riparian forests, legal reserves and permanent preservation area.

The Agricultural Cooperative of Campos Altos (CAPECA) was founded in 1974 from the need of a group of producers to acquire agricultural inputs in general, receive quality technical assistance and other incentives necessary for the development of their activities. The city is popularly known as "Portal do Cerrado Mineiro", with an average altitude of 1,100 meters. Over the years, the coffee industry has expanded throughout Brazil, consolidating itself in the cerrado of Minas Gerais. In Campos Altos, it was no different and the main activity of the CAPECA members changed to coffee production. Today CAPECA is a cooperative focused on coffee growing. Its branches of activity are: technical assistance, the sale of inputs for the conduct of coffee cultivation, storage, preparation, marketing and export of coffee from its members. Campos Altos stands out in its coffee culture as one of the best coffees in Brazil.

This 87 SCA point coffee is an undeniably boozy beverage, with mulled wine and whiskey notes, and a fruit punch finish.