Calm with Valerian
A combination of citrus and flowers with powerful valerian to deliver a tasty calming tea.

Chamomile Herbal Tea
from €5,95
Whole chamomile flowers, so pure, so sweet nothing like a regular chamomile.

Chocolate Flake Tea
A black tea with a hint of dark chocolate. Perfect with milk for a little treat.

Green Tea with Mint
from €5,95
If pure green tea is not for you this combination of pure mint leaves and green tea is for you.

Green Tea with Peach
There's no returning to regular jasmine once you've enjoyed these jasmine pearls.

Honeybush & Rooibos Tea
from €5,95
A very popular blend of honeybush and rooibos, two nutrient rich South African plants. Great with or without milk.

Jasmine Pearls Tea
There's no returning to regular jasmine once you've enjoyed these jasmine pearls.

Lemon and Ginger
from €6,95
Pure lemongrass, lemon peel and ginger root make an incredible natural blend.

Liquorice & Peppermint
from €6,95
This is a super popular tea, one of our most highly regarded and we absolutely love it!

Mao Feng Green Tea
from €5,95
Regular green tea can be disappointing, this is a light and pure green tea without the disappointment.